This course will examine the basic principles of a restorative yoga practice and how to use a variety of props to support the body in various asanas. Poses are held longer to enable a deepening of relaxation, which supports the practitioner to move beyond the muscular/skeletal experience of the poses. This will enable the student to understand how the practice can calm, rebalance, and support the body on several levels: physiologically, systemically, organically and pranically. We will also examine the effects of inversions, the foundation of any restorative practice, in more detail and how to create a safe practice environment for students in these poses.
How to incorporate restorative poses into your yoga practice and support student’s in theirs. Understand the deeper effects of a well-sequenced restorative yoga practice. How to create a safe practice environment for exploring inversions, including headstand and shoulder-stand. How to use props, including the chairs, blocks, bolsters, belts and variations on the Yoga Wall.
Naada Yoga Restorative Manual, “Relax and Renew by Judith Hansen Lasater, article hand-outs.
Basic understanding of yoga asana and a consistent yoga practice of at least one consecutive year. Attending regular classes at Naada Yoga and/or another institution. Reading all required assignments, keeping a practice journal and in-class notes, and discussing practice-related questions.
Dates: [restorative-101-dates]
Tuition: $595
Instructor: [restorative-101-instructor]
- Access to full weekend workshop Thursday-Sunday.
- All additional resources or readings.
All prices do not include tax
This course is part of Naada Yoga’s ongoing teacher training program. To apply for any of the full Naada Yoga Teacher Training programs please apply here: