New To Naada Naada Yoga offers a wide variety of complimentary classes to best support a healthy and balanced yoga practice. Take a look at which classes we recommend for you by taking our online assessment now. How would you describe your level of experience in yoga? Complete beginner Less then a year experience 1-3 years of practice 3 years and more What are your reasons for choosing to practice at Naada Yoga? Relaxation, de-stress, deal with injury, chronic pain, or medical condition Learn the basics of a physical practice Develop strength, cardio, lose weight Deepen my experience in meditation, pranayama, and asana How would you describe your overall health? Poor Fluctuates Moderate Good What is your overall energy level? Poor Fluctuates Moderate Good What do you do for exercise? Don’t exercise at all or exercise causes pain Gentle exercise such as walking or swimming Occasionally exercise but intensely when done. (running biking) Consistent exercise How would you describe your mental clarity? Poor Fluctuates Moderate Good How would you describe the quality of your sleep. Interrupted and disturbed Light and awaken easily Sound sleep with few disruption Deep sleep with no disruptions Are you pregnant? Yes No If you answered YES to the question above how often do you practice yoga? (optional) Once and while 1-2 times a week 3 or more time a week Do you practice Inversions? Yes No If you answered NO to the question above are interested in practicing Inversions? Yes No