The pale winter sunlight shone from the high windows of the Cambridge University library onto a dark leather book cover. In the hall full of silent scholars, I opened it and leafed through picture after picture of men and women in familiar postures. Here was Warrior Pose; there was Downward Dog. On this page the… [Read More]
Archives for September 2013
Music of Yoga / Yoga of Music
On one of my first journeys to India and Nepal, I visited an old antique shop in Bhagdaon in the Katmandu valley and searched for a singing bowl. I didn’t know much about resonance or overtones, but the object itself fascinated me, made of shiny golden metals. So I brought one back to France and… [Read More]
Yoga Better than Injections for Low Back Pain
A July 18th New York Times blog post entitled Alternatives for Back Pain Relief surprised me when it proclaimed that a modern and widely used treatment method for low back pain is no longer considered effective, especially for chronic or long-standing low back pain. That treatment is the use of injections into the areas of pain. The… [Read More]
Simple steps to meditation
When people find out I teach Mindfulness Yoga and Meditation, the most common reaction is, “I really wish I could meditate, but I can’t because I have kids/full-time school or work/roommates/a small apartment.” The good news is that despite obstacles like a very busy mind or lifestyle, you can meditate. In fact, the busier you… [Read More]